Wednesday 6 August 2014

raksha bandhan sms

If it were not for our lovely siblings, we would have
become very lot in this world. They're our support system
that never fails.
Happy Raksha Bandhan.

B: Boundless in energy
R: Receptive to needs
O: Outstanding people
T: Tender-hearted
H: Helpful at all times
E: Exemplary in conduct
R: Responsible at all times
I pride in having you as my brother!
Happy Raksha Bandhan!


During this festival of bonding and renewing our love for
 siblings,I want to tell you that during the times we fought,
 my love was ina different mood. many many Happy
 Raksha Bandhan!

Sister is someone she is caring and sharing.
Sister can understand things you never said.
She can understand pain which is not visible to anyone.
I love my sister.Happy happy Raksha Bandhan!

To the most wonderful Sister in the World:
Thank you - for always being there on my side and for
 helping me many of times and in infinite ways!
Happy Raksha Bandhan!

MY Dear Sister,I view to protect you at all times from
 all kinds of devils and to be there for you in hours of
 need or crises. Happy Raksha Bandhan!

A  very very happy Raksha Bandhan to all those who
 have amazing siblings and enjoy beautiful relationship
with each other!

R: Ritual held
A: Annually by
K: Kins to share
H: Happiness with
I: Intimate siblings
Wish your a very very happy Raksha Bandhan!

I am seriously considering giving Onion as a 
Rakhi gift since it's very expensive and it shall 
bring tears of joy in my sister's eyes!
Happy Raksha Bandhan!

If it were not for our lovely siblings, we would have
become very alone in this world. They are our support
system that never fails.
Happy Raksha Bandhan!see more